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Nintex > 实例探究 > Shine Lawyers 通过 Nintex K2 Five 增强客户引导

Shine Lawyers 通过 Nintex K2 Five 增强客户引导

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  • 分析与建模 - 机器人过程自动化 (RPA)
  • 水泥
  • 石油和天然气
  • 智能包装
  • 时间敏感网络
Shine Lawyers 是一家澳大利亚律师事务所,致力于降低法律复杂性。该公司孜孜不倦地致力于帮助客户获得最佳结果。然而,并非每一个通过其呼叫中心提出的申诉都是可行的。该公司正在寻找一种简化客户入职流程的方法,该流程依赖于呼叫中心耗时的问答以及信息收集和预约设置等手动任务。 Shine Lawyers 决定转向数字解决方案,以改进围绕客户入职的内部流程。
Shine Lawyers 是一家澳大利亚律师事务所,其客户入职流程面临着重大挑战。该过程非常耗时,并且严重依赖手动任务,例如信息收集和预约设置。当潜在客户到达呼叫中心时,代表将进行长时间的问答环节,以确定客户是否有可行的诉讼。这些会议可能持续长达 30 分钟,这是公司无法承担的大量时间投入。此外,如果案例通过了最初的问答阶段,则必须手动收集更多信息。通话录音已传递给相关人员进行手动转录和与相关法律专业人员的预约设置。这增加了与客户引导相关的手动工作量和成本。 Shine Lawyers 决定转向数字解决方案,以改进围绕客户入职的内部流程。
Shine Lawyers 与技术合作伙伴rapidMATION 合作,利用 Nintex K2 SmartForms、SmartObjects 和 RPA 构建智能自动化解决方案。该解决方案将 K2 Five 与 RPA 功能集成,以简化客户入门流程,同时不会影响客户体验。 SmartForms 的创建复制了 Shine 现有的客户入职表格,但既具有交互性又智能,可以根据客户的案例是否可行,自动引导客户走上正确的道路。 SmartObjects 可以轻松集成到 Shine 现有的业务线系统中。 SmartForm 集成到 Shine 的内容管理系统以及 Google API 中,因此该解决方案可以访问相关 Shine 分支机构的日历并查找相关律师有空的时间。通过自动化这些问题流程和相关流程步骤,Shine 能够大幅减少客户引导过程中涉及的手动工作量。
  • The implementation of the intelligent automation solution has transformed Shine Lawyers' client onboarding process. The firm's call center representatives are now able to focus on more value-added work, and there is no need for legal professionals to get involved until an appointment is booked. At this stage, the lawyer receives comprehensive and up-to-date information on the case. The solution has also improved the customer experience by allowing clients to begin the intake and registration process right away, and by directing them down specific branches of questioning to speed up the process. Furthermore, the solution has enabled Shine Lawyers to tap into a market that they may not have reached before, by giving people who may not have contacted their call center, due to the time of day and other factors, an opportunity to book an appointment in a convenient, digital way.
  • $290K worth of new cases booked in the first 8 weeks
  • Significant reduction in time spent on client onboarding
  • Increased efficiency in appointment setting with relevant legal professionals

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