- 分析与建模 - 大数据分析
- 传感器 - 液位传感器
- 汽车
- 水泥
- 销售与市场营销
- 人员跟踪与监控
宾利汽车是世界上最知名的豪华汽车品牌之一,以其生产的每辆车无与伦比的工艺水平和细节而闻名。该公司每年在全球销售约 15,000 辆汽车,每辆汽车都是根据个别客户的具体规格设计和制造的,这意味着没有两辆宾利汽车是完全相同的。宾利 (Bentley) 在 20 世纪在长途耐力赛中建立了声誉,如今以其卓越品质的定制豪华汽车而闻名。该公司最近推出了一项全新的转型战略——Bentley100,该战略将成为其未来 100 年及以后的成功蓝图。
宾利汽车作为全球知名的豪华汽车品牌,在汽车行业发生前所未有的变化后,面临着巨大的挑战。该公司以其定制豪华汽车而闻名,意识到需要进行转型以确保其长期成功。这一转型不仅涉及到 2030 年转向全电动汽车产品组合,还涉及在整个公司实施有效的数字化转型。目标是简化运营、改善客户服务并巩固宾利作为全球汽车领导者的地位。该公司还旨在通过更加数据驱动的方法来增强客户体验,这是 Bentley 的一个重要标志。然而,挑战在于找到可以帮助他们实现这些目标的解决方案。
Bentley Motors 采用以人为本的方法来实现其转型目标,并将 Tableau 视为理想的解决方案。 Tableau 的自助数据分析工具用于增强员工能力、提高效率,并在公司各个层面实现更快、更明智的决策。该公司还使用数据分析来增强客户体验。通过整合数据,Bentley 能够及早发现新兴客户趋势并发现区域差异,这可用于更准确地定制未来的销售和营销活动。为了在公司的各个层面建立强大的数据文化,Bentley 确定了整个公司现有的数据拥护者,并帮助他们迁移到 Tableau。这种方法很快开始在公司的各个层面建立强大的数据文化。
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Case Study
System 800xA at Indian Cement Plants
Chettinad Cement recognized that further efficiencies could be achieved in its cement manufacturing process. It looked to investing in comprehensive operational and control technologies to manage and derive productivity and energy efficiency gains from the assets on Line 2, their second plant in India.
Case Study
Integral Plant Maintenance
Mercedes-Benz and his partner GAZ chose Siemens to be its maintenance partner at a new engine plant in Yaroslavl, Russia. The new plant offers a capacity to manufacture diesel engines for the Russian market, for locally produced Sprinter Classic. In addition to engines for the local market, the Yaroslavl plant will also produce spare parts. Mercedes-Benz Russia and his partner needed a service partner in order to ensure the operation of these lines in a maintenance partnership arrangement. The challenges included coordinating the entire maintenance management operation, in particular inspections, corrective and predictive maintenance activities, and the optimizing spare parts management. Siemens developed a customized maintenance solution that includes all electronic and mechanical maintenance activities (Integral Plant Maintenance).
Case Study
Monitoring of Pressure Pumps in Automotive Industry
A large German/American producer of auto parts uses high-pressure pumps to deburr machined parts as a part of its production and quality check process. They decided to monitor these pumps to make sure they work properly and that they can see any indications leading to a potential failure before it affects their process.