- 设备与机械
- 矿业
- 维护
- 质量保证
- 通过节省成本获得额外收入:通过实时监控所有操作(包括泄漏、压力传感器和物联网软件分析)可以降低水管理成本,从而优化资产利用率、改进运营流程、节省能源成本、最大限度地减少人工干预、更低的维护成本和更低的基础设施成本
- 提高生产力:物联网允许实时控制更明智的业务决策、降低运营成本、优化流程和资源以及缩短服务时间
- 提高效率:水管理公司和协会可以使用实时运营控制来做出更明智的业务决策并降低运营成本
- 改进的操作过程控制和监控
- 优化和透明的资产利用:智能电表、传感器和连接显着改善所有资产的跟踪,提供对供应链的实时可见性
- 优化和透明的资产利用:通过使用传感器和连接,水务公司显着改善了对其所有资产的跟踪,获得对其供应链的实时可见性
- 用水统计和分析的实时知识,以实现更智能、更快速的决策:物联网分析可以消除数据不规则性,并提供未计费用水统计数据或决策过程中所需的任何相关统计数据的实时视图。
- 降低维护成本,同时提高网络运营的安全性和可靠性:能够定位所有资产,进行实时监控,控制和运行关键基础设施和机器的预防性维护,水务公司显着降低维护成本并最大限度地减少响应时间。
- 有效地响应和避免紧急情况
- 重新获得收入
- 降低能源成本
- 减少紧急维修情况
- 预测潜在的管道故障
- 管理水压
- 更好地分配维护和维修成本
Case Study
Cellular RTU for Building Beijing Water Pipeline Remote Monitoring Systems
Water pipeline pressure needs to be kept at 0.3 Mpa in order to deliver a reliable stream of tap water to homes, businesses, and factories. Water companies use real-time monitoring systems in order to achieve consistent water pressure management that can quickly respond to any sudden drops of water pressure. System Requirements - Monitor all the distributed pressure points of a widely distributed water pipeline network - Monitor and display in real-time data from every pressure value on the central SCADA system HMI - Stable cellular communications network - High expandability
Case Study
Improve Turlock's Water Communication Module
The City of Turlock has a population of more than 70,000 across a 17-square-mile service territory. The City of Turlock recognized changing water conditions and the need to take action to address impacts from California's drought to ensure future availability of water for residents. The city was interested in automating its meter reading and leak detection processes in support of conservation measures.
Case Study
Beach & Water Reservoir Monitoring Platform
Catalan Water Agency is responsible for the overall management and supervision of the water reservoirs of Catalonia region. Part of its Big Data strategy was to find a monitoring system to surveil, manage and supervise in real-time the coastal areas (including swimming and non-swimming beaches), the water and its quality.