制造系统自动化集成了软件和机械,使制造过程通过计算机编程自主运行。制造系统自动化的目标是最大限度地减少制造过程中所需的人工协助。这些系统提供恒定的反馈回路并根据安装在机器上的 PLC 和智能传感器的反馈调整控制参数。传感器通常嵌入在新设备中,也可以安装在旧设备上。自动化已经通过各种方式实现,包括机械、液压、气动、电气、电子设备和计算机,通常是结合使用。自动化的好处包括降低与劳动力、电力、水、天然气和废料相关的成本,以及提高质量、准确性和精度。制造系统自动化还可以减少转换时间,从而实现小批量生产和大规模定制。
- 汽车
- 设备与机械
- 离散制造
- 产品开发
- 质量保证
● 员工更安全
● 提高生产力(24/7 运行时间)
● 提高产品质量
● 更高的收益
● 更准确的数据采集
- 3D 打印:几乎可以使用金属、塑料和其他材料制造任何组件,缩短交货时间并简化从设计到生产的流程
- 云服务:从任何位置快速有效地实现数据和服务的虚拟共享
- 物联网 (IoT):不仅改变消费市场,还改变制造过程中使用的电子设备的维护和保养
- 纳米技术:实现更快的计算机处理、更长的产品生命周期和超精密制造,以及空间工程和生物技术等领域的开创性进步
- 先进的数据分析和预测技术:在制造过程中实现更好的过程控制、缺陷预防和更快的响应时间
- 工业机器人:通过自动化困难或单调的任务,提供提高生产力、提高质量和降低成本的方法。
● 初始投资成本
Case Study
Industrial Automation Case Study
For nearly two decades, Spectrum CNC Technologies has been revolutionizing the computer numerical controlled (CNC) machine tool industry. Its software-based machine tool communications system, MultiDNC, was the first product on the market to enable simultaneous uploads, downloads and dripfeeding of data to multiple CNC controls. Over the years, Spectrum has continued the revolution with innovative products, services and unbeatable support for the best overall value available in the industry. Two years ago, Spectrum began development on a wirelss solution for its Multi-DNC system, something its customers had been asking for. Spectrum knew that a wireless industrial automation solution could bring many new and compelling benefits, including simplified and less costly installation, increased reliability and enhanced flexibility for machine movement. Spectrum CNC also knew that a wireless solution for Multi-DNC would position the company for strong growth. However, company executives did not want to rush to market with an unreliable system. Having worked with Lantronix in the past, Spectrum was confident that Lantronix could recommend the best product to embed wireless networking capabilities into its Multi-DNC system.
Case Study
Automated Inspection of Axial Piston Motors
Earth moving machines require an immense energy source to provide the power they need for use within civil engineering works. ‘Hydraulic Motors’ allow this power to be applied to enable the machines movement and in addition ‘Control Valves’ also provide the operator with the precise feel and control required to undertake the necessary tasks needed for such machines, including trenching, rock breaking and demolition. These same motors are also used in cranes, wheel loaders and general construction equipment. Though not a new product, the designs of such motors and control valves have been around a few decades, the overall method for manufacture has changed rapidly over the last few years to take account of the need for more modular designs, manufacture and just-in-time manufacturing. Kawasaki Precision Machinery (UK) Ltd based in Plymouth, UK is one of the leading manufacturers of such motors and pumps. They approached Industrial Vision Systems Ltd to come up with a solution to provide automated inspection of such pumps for their semi-automated assembly process. The pumps requiring inspection are at a sub-assembly stage when they are due for the inspection process to take place. Due to the highly modular nature of the construction each part of the pump can have many different derivatives which overall have a different effect on the pump in industrial use. It is therefore critical for the manufacturing process to check all components are the correct type and number for the construction of the pump to begin. Once built it is difficult and costly to rework such units if a fault is detected later in the manufacturing process, therefore automated visual inspection is critical for the success in building quality motors and pumps.