可视化工厂运营数据是当今许多制造商面临的挑战。一些制造商今天正在推行的 IIoT 计划之一是提供工厂运营和机器健康状况的实时可见性。目标是提高制造效率。挑战在于组合和关联在性质、来源和生命周期方面差异很大的不同数据源。工厂运营可视性和智能 (FOVI) 旨在收集工厂车间生成的传感器数据、生产设备日志、生产计划和统计数据、操作员信息,并将所有这些信息和其他相关信息集成到云中。通过这种方式,它可以用来为生产设施带来可见性,分析和预测结果,并支持更好的改进决策。
- 重型车辆
- 汽车
- 离散制造
Case Study
Improving productivity and quality in Textiles
VISIBILITY - Currently unable to see amount of power consumed per machine or plant; need to account for energy used per batch. WASTE - 10% of product fails quality standards, unable to identify point of failure (initial spinning, weaving, final processing, etc). INACCURACY - Acquiring OEE measurements and compiling them is a manual process, which lacks visibility into all parts of the production process and is error-prone. LACK OF INTEROPERABILITY - Outdated machinery still has long, effective lifespans but needs to connect to newer, digital assets
Case Study
MAAC Machinery Saves 50% of Support Cost Using Remote Access
MAAC is a corporate situated in Chicago and specialized in manufacturing thermoforming machinery and other companion products. MAAC found out that the automation control technology was the key to succeed in the machinery sector.