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Case Study
Case Studies
Shandong Ruyi Meeting “Made in China 2025” head-on
In 2015, the Chinese government unveiled “Made in China 2025”, a ten-year plan intended to transform China from a manufacturing giant into a world manufacturing power by upgrading its industry to smart technology and emphasizing superior product quality and brand image. The new initiative, coupled with Ruyi’s ambitious plans to expand its business into the US and Europe, meant the company needed to radically overhaul its approach to manufacturing so that it could run at peak efficiency, while producing impeccable-quality clothing that reflected the government’s new vision for what “Made in China” means. Always at the forefront of innovation, Ruyi was quick to embrace the Chinese government’s “Made in China 2025” guidelines, placing the plan’s cornerstone tenets of quality and efficiency at the top of its priority list. When the company decided to upgrade its Tai’an menswear factory with smart technology and automated processes, it turned to Lectra for help.


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