- 网络安全和隐私 - 应用安全
- 功能应用 - 制造执行系统 (MES)
- 水泥
- 玻璃
- 添加剂制造
- 制造过程模拟
- 网络安全服务
- 测试与认证
海宝是 Hypertherm Associates 家族的一部分,该家族是一家 100% 员工持股的公司,提供工业切割技术和解决方案。该公司的产品包括等离子、水刀、软件等,旨在帮助客户取得成功。海宝在制造业开展业务,为各种应用提供解决方案,包括造船厂、石油管道和推车家庭爱好者。该公司以其一贯的宗旨、创新动力和对客户成功的热情而自豪,将其定位为工业切割和成型行业的领导者。
海宝是一家领先的工业切割和成型公司,在维护其各种资产的安全性和平稳运行方面面临着重大挑战。其中包括操作技术、物联网设备和海宝的专有软件。海宝信息安全经理 James Thompson 正在寻求一种全面的解决方案,以提供对复杂制造行业的可视性,该行业由于缺乏监管而通常被称为“狂野的西部”。该公司的环境高度移动,许多员工使用笔记本电脑,很大一部分工程师使用高性能 CAD 工作站。此外,该公司还必须处理在过时且难以保护的系统上运行的旧机器。组织周围制造单元的不断移动进一步加剧了这一挑战,这常常导致打印机在 Thompson 不知情的情况下转移到新的 IP 范围,从而导致潜在的生产中断。
海宝在 Rapid7 的 InsightVM 中找到了解决方案,该工具非常适合识别、评估和补救风险,且不会像其他工具那样造成停机。该解决方案使海宝能够创建动态黑名单,从而使该公司能够制定扫描计划,而无需担心打印机脱机的风险。 InsightVM 的内置仪表板允许经理和高管查看公司安全状态的实时快照,使他们能够提出问题并了解公司面临新漏洞的情况。该公司还利用 DHCP 扫描来了解连接到网络的恶意设备。海宝与 Rapid7 的合作还促成了 Rapid7 领先的动态应用程序安全测试 (DAST) 解决方案 InsightAppSec 的采用。该工具使开发人员能够动态测试他们的产品,进行快速敏捷的调整以改进他们的产品并更好地了解边缘的暴露情况。
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Case Study
System 800xA at Indian Cement Plants
Chettinad Cement recognized that further efficiencies could be achieved in its cement manufacturing process. It looked to investing in comprehensive operational and control technologies to manage and derive productivity and energy efficiency gains from the assets on Line 2, their second plant in India.
Case Study
Digital Transformation of Atlanta Grout & Tile: An IoT Case Study
Atlanta Grout & Tile, a Tile, Stone & Grout restoration company based in Woodstock, Georgia, was facing challenges with its traditional business model. Despite steady growth over the years, the company was falling behind the web revolution and missing out on the opportunity to tap into a new consumer base. They were using independent software from different vendors for each of their department information and workforce management. This resulted in a lot of manual work on excel and the need to export/import data between different systems. This not only increased overhead costs but also slowed down their response to clients. The company also had to prepare numerous reports manually and lacked access to customer trends for effective business decision-making.
Case Study
Discrete Manufacturing Industries (Fiberglass Pipe)
The implementation of ERP software in a Discrete Manufacturing organization needs to be strategic, irrespective of its size and capacity. The client had already implemented an ERP system which fulfilled their requirements but was not efficient enough. Efficiency here meant Synchronized Planning, Updating and Multisite Planning. Planning at client’s place was done outside the ERP system. Lack of proper synchronization to the ERP system paved way to huge delays in the changes getting updated in the system. These delays caused disruption in achieving delivery schedules. Multisite Planning is a solution to an organization which has multiple production units (may or may not be geographically separated) and thus needs planning across these units to synchronize production activities within them. The client also has multiple factories and hence Production Planning control is very essential in their case. Since Multisite planning was not possible with Baan ERP system, this was another bottleneck for the client.
Case Study
Revolutionizing Construction Equipment Rental: A Case Study on ProsRent and ENO8
ProsRent, a startup that won the 'Best Financial Opportunity' and 'Best Pitch' at CodeLaunch 2016, aimed to revolutionize the way construction professionals source and rent heavy equipment. In the construction industry, project managers and contractors typically rent heavy equipment from supply companies. However, predicting inventory can be challenging, and finding the required equipment at the right time and place can be a hassle. If the preferred vendor doesn't have the required equipment, it results in wasted time and money in searching for it, often leading to higher costs due to non-preferred rates and increased delivery costs if the vendor is located far from the job site. Suppliers, on the other hand, desired access to a wider base of trusted renters that they didn't have to vet themselves and wanted to offer dynamic rental pricing based on demand and availability in their market. ProsRent's challenge was to produce a minimum viable product that was fast and first to market but also strong enough to engender loyalty and repeat business from the target market.
Case Study
AI-based Automation for Commercial Office HVAC: A Verdigris Case Study
Modern buildings are required to run longer hours, support a variety of end uses, and contribute to higher levels of economic productivity, leaving a thin margin for error. However, even the most advanced building and environmental control systems have failed to adequately support facilities and operations management. Buildings are often inefficient and the people using them are underserved. To meet occupant comfort and maintain cost and energy efficiency, a dynamic, AI-assisted approach is needed.