- 分析与建模 - 机器学习
- 分析与建模 - 预测分析
- 城市与自治市
- 教育
- 需求计划与预测
- 运动预测
- 数据科学服务
农村投资融资机构 (AFIR) 是一家位于布加勒斯特的罗马尼亚政府机构。它是支持罗马尼亚农民和公司获得赠款以及每年平均 20 亿欧元欧盟 (EU) 农村发展项目资金的主要政府机构。 AFIR 是罗马尼亚政府的重要组成部分,其主要作用是将资金和财政支持送到罗马尼亚农民和其他需要资源来适当发展和照顾农村的主要利益相关者手中。该组织规模庞大,拥有 1,000 至 9,999 名员工。
农村投资融资机构 (AFIR) 是罗马尼亚政府机构,负责支持农民和公司获得赠款以及每年平均 20 亿欧元的欧盟 (EU) 农村发展项目资金。然而,管理这些资助项目的一项重要的内部预测任务需要 AFIR 员工的大量手动干预。这个过程不仅缓慢而且容易出现错误。该组织热衷于提高支出和融资预测的准确性,因为这不仅可以帮助其用户,还可以提高其自身的运营效率。该流程需要大量纸张且复杂,据 AFIR IT 总监 Daniel Ifrim 称,该流程“远未达到优化”。该团队需要一个解决方案,将这一流程转变为完全无纸化的在线系统,并减少生成支出和融资预测报告所需的时间。
在当地微软合作伙伴 Genisoft 对招标过程做出回应后,AFIR 决定尝试人工智能 (AI)。 Genisoft 提出了一种全新的支付预测机制,该机制结合了 Microsoft Azure Synapse Analytics 和 Azure 机器学习、Azure SQL 和 Microsoft Power BI。这种基于人工智能的支付预测机制提供了许多改进,特别是在更准确的预测方面。人工智能驱动的预测消除了可能影响报告准确性的错误风险。转型过程花了几个月的时间,但最终形成了一个完全无纸化的在线系统。新系统不仅提高了支出和融资需求预测的准确性,还将生成报告的时间从十天缩短到了十分钟。
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Case Study
Turning A Stadium Into A Smart Building
Honeywell created what it called the “intelligent system” for the National Stadium in Beijing, China, turning the venue for the opening and closing events at the 2008 Summer Olympics into a “smart building.” Designed by highly controversial artist Ai Weiwei, the “Bird’s Nest” remains one of the most impressive feats of stadium architecture in the world. The 250,000 square meter structure housed more than 100,000 athletes and spectators at a time. To accommodate such capacity, China turned to Honeywell’s EBI Integrated Building Management System to create an integrated “intelligent system” for improved building security, safety and energy efficiency.
Case Study
Smart Street Light Network (Copenhagen)
Key stakeholders are taking a comprehensive approach to rethinking smart city innovation. City leaders have collaborated through partnerships involving government, research institutions and solution providers. The Copenhagen Solutions Lab is one of the leading organizations at the forefront of this movement. By bringing together manufacturers with municipal buyers, the Copenhagen Solutions Lab has catalyzed the development and deployment of next-generation smart city innovations. Copenhagen is leveraging this unique approach to accelerate the implementation of smart city solutions. One of the primary focus areas is LED street lighting.
Case Study
Buoy Status Monitoring with LoRa
The Netherlands are well-known for their inland waterways, canals, sluices and of course port activities. The Dutch Ministry of Infrastructure indicates that there are thousands of buoys and fixed items in and near water environments that would profit from IoT monitoring. One of the problems with buoys for example, is that they get hit by ships and the anchor cable breaks. Without connectivity, it takes quite some time to find out that something has happened with that buoy. Not to mention the costs of renting a boat to go to the buoy to fix it. Another important issue, is that there is no real-time monitoring of the buoys at this moment. Only by physically visiting the object on the water, one gains insight in its status.
Case Study
China Mobile Smart Parking
Smart Parking, powered by NB-IoT technology, is making it easier for drivers to find free parking spots. Cities can better manage their parking assets and maximize the revenue available to them as a result. Drivers searching for parking create congestion and pollution by circling and hunting for available parking. Smart Parking services are able to significantly ease these problems by guiding a driver directly to a parking space.
Case Study
Barcelona Case Study
Barcelona’s heavy traffic and its associated high levels of pollution were the primary factors that motivated some companies and universities to work on strategies for improving traffic in the city centre. Bitcarrier is one of the technologies involved in the In4Mo Project, whose main objective is to develop the applications that form the core of smart mobility, one of the fundamental pillars of the smart city concept.