Published on 05/29/2017 | Use Cases
Frost & Sullivan has been tracking and quantifying smart city opportunities for nearly a decade. Cities in the United States and around the world have begun to look to smarter solutions to help better manage existing resources and assets, effectively deal with growing populations, help mitigate expenses related to aging infrastructure, and, in general, provide a better quality of life and standard of living for city residents, businesses, employees, and visitors.
For the purposes of this paper, Frost & Sullivan analyzed numerous global smart city initiatives and uncovered the key attributes that were indicative of what constitutes a “Smart City.” We identi ed eight core parameters that provide a comprehensive view of the smart city. We de ne smart cities as those that are built on “Smart” and “Intelligent” solutions and technology that will lead to adoption of at least ve out of the eight following smart parameters.
You can read and download the full report here.