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Guides Operations Smart grid standards

Smart grid standards

Published on 05/30/2017 | Operations

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Accelerating the Adoption of Industrial Internet of Things.


Modern, intelligent, global energy networks are essential to driving greater energy ef ciency, increasing integration of renewable energy sources such as wind and solar, and accelerating economic and social progress in the 21st century. Innovative and forward-thinking utilities are making great strides in creating smart energy networks that operate at scale and contribute real-world results to their bottom line, delivering energy ef ciency and operational efficiency with an increase in consumer satisfaction.

Smart grid networks yield their full potential bene ts when based on open standards. Standards enable interoperability, which in turn ensures that the broadest possible set of products work together. Standard technologies deliver a wide range of benefits to customers, most important of which is vendor independence. Customers benefit from greater choice because of heightened competition, as well as higher- quality solutions, lower pricing, and reduced risk by avoiding vendor lock in. Standards also open a market to new players and speed the pace of innovation.

Standards have been at the heart of every technical revolution. Industries ranging from transportation, telecommunications, industrial manufacturing – and especially the Internet – have established sets of common standards to benefit consumers and to catalyze the growth and health of their respective industries.


You can read and download the full report on Silver Spring Networks here

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