Supplier SloganBig data age business intelligenceIndustrial IoT Data Platform
HQ LocationUnited StatesUnited StatesChinaChinaUnited StatesIndia
Year Founded201520112003201520072019
Company TypePrivatePrivatePrivatePrivatePrivatePrivate
Stock Ticker
Revenue< $10m< $10m$10-100m< $10m$10-100m< $10m
Employees11 - 5011 - 50201 - 1,00051 - 20051 - 200< 10
Website Open website Open website Open website Open website Open website Open website
Company Description
Based in San Francisco, CA, Element Analytics creates industrial analytics software that empowers organizations to achieve new levels of operational performance. The Element Platform helps industrial organizations easily and rapidly use industrial time-series data for actionable insight. The platform readies time-series data, enriches it with analytically relevant context, and instills Trust. It also blends time-series and other operational data with unprecedented high fidelity. With data ready, the platform enables machine-learning modeling to surface reliability, productivity, and sustainability insights for operations.
GroveStreams is cloud-based Data Analytics Platform for the Internet of Things that provides real-time decision making capabilities to users and devices. It has been built with Big-Data tools to manage large amounts of devices and Data Streams with very high frequency sample rates. The GroveStreams Data Analytics Platform was designed to allow IoT entrepreneurs and developers to start with small test projects and scale to capture millions of streams of data coming in from sensors, apps, and other fixed and mobile devices across the globe. Our patented Data Analytics platform gives you immediate access to your stream data, roll-up data, and up to 140 statistics per stream. It is designed as a horizontal platform to be used across all industries.
One stop data management and analysis platform using big data with visual analysis on their own servers and full range of data access

Sensors Data is a data analysis service company provides customers with the data to understand their users. With deep user behaviour analysis platform, their professional consulting services and industry solutions helps customers realize their potential. Based on the technical and frontiers of large data and user behaviour analysis that covers more than 10 industries, such as Internet, finance, retail sales, high-tech, manufacturing and so on, and can support many functional departments of enterprises. The key technologies that the company has includes mass data collection, storage, cleaning, analysis and mining, visualization, intelligent application, security and privacy protection.

SpaceTime Insight develops and delivers innovative advanced analytics and IIoT applications for asset-intensive industries. With our software, customers reduce cost and risk, increase capital efficiency, pinpoint theft, spoilage, and shrinkage, lower the frequency and duration of service outages, optimize field crews and operations, ensure regulatory compliance, and more. They understand the entire breadth of their operations in motion, in context, and in real time, and generate greater returns at lower risk, lower cost, and greater speed.

SpaceTime Insight’s software powers mission-critical systems for some of the largest companies around the world in diverse industries including utilities, shipping, manufacturing, and energy.

Industrial data platform

The ConnectedThinks Industrial data platform is capable of connecting to multiple industrial data sources, correlating and transforming the data into useful insights, and helping improve the efficiency of your industrial business.

Edge Connectors

The edge-connectors suite is a middleware deployable on ARM or X86-based Industrial edge IoT gateways. It enables quick connection and rapid onboarding of various assets such as machinery, sensors, asset trackers, Bluetooth beacons, and IP Video streams as well as OT assets such as PLC, SCADA, CNC, and HMI – to name a few. It offers secure device management and remote connection.

Data Platform

The ConnectedThinks data platform is a modern technology stack, built-to-scale to ingest and process high-speed, high-density, and real-time industrial data. Its functionality could be split into 3 primary parts – the data-ingest, the data-transform-&-store, and the data-query part.

The data-ingest part consists of a high-performant MQTT broker and a highly-scalable, multi-cluster Kafka messaging queue which together can ingest and process data at a very high speed.

The data-transform-&-storage part is built on top of Kafka KSQLdb and Apache Spark with real-time data transformation and the ability to integrate real-time machine-learning predictions for Anomaly Detection and other Predictive Maintenance tasks. The platform offers out-of-the-box connectors to store data on almost any database, data warehouse, or even into S3-storage compatible Data Lakes with efficient storage formats like PARQUET and AVRO.

The data-query part consists of multiple custom-built connectors to various SQL and pseudo-SQL databases and storages along with highly-scalable PRESTO (a.k.a prestodb)

Together it forms a complete Industry 4.0 offering for data intelligence and integration. The entire offering is built with Microservices and dockerized to make it suitable for deployment on-prem, private-cloud, or Public Cloud like AWS, Azure, or Google.

Data visualization & BI

ConnectedThinks platform offers a custom-built visualization engine, built from the ground up to serve the specific requirements of industrial operations which demand a combination of real-time diagnostic monitoring for high-speed data, a SCADA-like monitoring system with visual aids and historical data analytics with data ranging from a few weeks to couple years. It is built on top of front-end REACT-js libraries along with Authentication and fine-grain access Authorization to deliver a secure web portal that is accessible from any corner of the world. The platform is also pre-integrated with Apache Superset and offers embedded dashboards as well as quick drag-and-drop data exploration. The prestodb query engine ODBC connectors enable you to import and explore data from your existing BI solutions such as Tableau, Looker, PowerBI, etc,

IoT Solutions
Element empowers industrial organizations to easily use data and rapidly extract valuable insights. Our solutions help industrial businesses achieve new levels of operational performance. Upstream Oil & Gas Gain an enterprise-wide view of all production units and the ability to drill down into each well’s time-series data. Generate unlimited process-oriented asset views to support the various functions and services that consume the data. With this data, use predictive analytics to prevent failures in equipment such as submersible pumps for increased asset reliability. Chemicals & Refining Model complex cooling, separation, and heating systems. Benchmark and compare rotating equipment, fixed equipment, or the overall process units. Identify, then label complex fault events and analyze strongly correlated factors that precede the event. Gain predictive insight into parts breakdown to prevent issues such as pump seal leaks. Manufacturing Aggregate numerous datasets from diverse providers, rapidly ready data for advanced analytics, and predict the failure of equipment such as motors and mixers. Shift from time-based to performance-based maintenance for greater cost and operational efficiency. Power & Utilities Aggregate and blend previously siloed data, perform predictive analytics on top of that to improve customer service time, prevent equipment failures, and optimize contracts with improved risk management. Metals & Mining Benchmark and compare the performance of equipment (e.g., extractors, crushers, trucks) and processes across all sites to uncover and deploy best practices for enterprise-wide process optimization. Pulp & Paper Aggregate and standardize data from complex, highly integrated processes that were previously challenging to model (e.g., end-to-end tissue machine operations). Gain visibility into process dependencies that you may not be aware of. Diagnose issues such as transfer breaks to ultimately increase throughput of paper machines.
cloud management

•Data Modeling and Analysis Service - Gives company greater knowledge of their users by assessing behavior, marketing effectiveness, and optimizes product experience.

•Data Collection Service - Thoroughly collects all front-end , back- end, and historical to establish a complete data warehouse for companies.

•Analytics PaaS Platform - Extension of analytical capabilities, this open platform interfaces real-time access to data and the seamless integration of 3rd party software.

Nokia Software IoT was formed through the acquisition of SpaceTime Insight in April, 2018 and Nokia’s existing IoT Applications group. SpaceTime develops and delivers innovative advanced analytics applications and Industrial Internet of Things technologies for asset-intensive industries.

The applications help them reduce cost and risk, increase capital efficiency, pinpoint theft, spoilage, and shrinkage, lower the frequency and duration of service outages, personalize customer service, optimize field crews and operations, ensure regulatory compliance, and more.

The Machine Learning algorithms detect anomalies, predict the probability of asset failure, continuously optimize operations, and help companies deliver the best possible business results even when unforeseeable disruptions arise.

Industrial data solution

ConnectedThinks offers pre-built solutions to specific industries. All these solutions are built on-top of the Industrial data-platform and can be deployed and commisioned in matter of couple weeks. Reach out to us to discuss your specific requirements.

Manufacturing data analytics

Factories generate large amounts of data. A single PLC node in the factory could provide significant information about the health of the equipment and system it is driving. This information could significantly reduce the maintenance cost or avoid losses.

ConnectedThinks Industrial data platform enables connecting data from every PLC, sensor, equipment, MES, ERP system, and even data from human staff and bringing this to a managed data platform in real-time. The platform enables configuring real-time correlation, transformation, trend analysis, and anomaly analysis on this data to transform it into insights that answer key business questions and alert in time to reduce cost and better quality.

You could connect CNCs from Controller systems such as Siemens Sinumerik 840D SL and monitor critical signals in real time. The real-time visualizations engine is capable of displaying high-frequency data captured from these CNCs.

Vision and Sound Machine Learning

Vision and Sound are 2 important systems for inspection in industrial environments. ConnectedThinks offers ML-based solutions built with data from relatively cheaper IP surveillance cameras and microphones. These help to become the Eyes and Ears for your industrial setup.

AMR, AGV and warehouse solutions

With new robotics technology opening doors for companies of all sizes, autonomous mobile robots (AMRs) and automation are becoming more popular in the manufacturing industry. Changing economic conditions, shortage in the supply of manual labor, and multiple such factors have led manufacturers to adopt an aggressive strategy to automate their workflows. The ConnectedThinks Edge Middleware is deployed on an Edge Compute Device and enables multiple edge functionalities such as Machine Learning predictions, device connectivity drivers, industrial interface protocols, network connectivity, etc. It is capable of running on Intel or ARM-based edge processors running Linux. It is also capable of running Edge analytics for data that is collected and localized to the edge. More often than not, AMRs are deployed on factory floors where they need to collaborate with other equipment in order to complete a job. For example, an AMR which needs to transfer goods across multiple floors needs to collaborate with the automated-lift system. Or the AMR needs to collaborate with the conveyor system for the loading and unloading of goods. Or in other cases, a bar-code scanner attached to the AMR would determine the destination. In all such cases, additional software logic and/or hardware Edge Gateways would be needed to connect to various machinery and equipment and help the AMR collaborate.

Key Customers
China unicom, renrenche.com, ICBC

China UnionPay, Jumei.com, GF Securities, Kingsoft, Baidu Video

American Water, Arizona Public Service, BC Hydro, The California Independent System Operator, FedEx, Singapore Power

Parent Company

IoT Snapshot
TechnologiesAnalytics & ModelingApplication Infrastructure & MiddlewarePlatform as a Service (PaaS)Analytics & ModelingApplication Infrastructure & MiddlewarePlatform as a Service (PaaS)Analytics & ModelingApplication Infrastructure & MiddlewarePlatform as a Service (PaaS)Analytics & ModelingApplication Infrastructure & MiddlewarePlatform as a Service (PaaS)Analytics & ModelingApplication Infrastructure & MiddlewarePlatform as a Service (PaaS)Analytics & ModelingApplication Infrastructure & MiddlewarePlatform as a Service (PaaS)Automation & ControlFunctional ApplicationsRobots
IndustriesAgricultureHealthcare & HospitalsSecurity & Public SafetyUtilitiesRetailFinance & InsuranceRetailElectrical GridsTransportation
Use CasesBuilding Energy ManagementAsset Health Management (AHM)Edge Computing & Edge IntelligenceImmersive AnalyticsRemote Asset ManagementVirtual Reality
FunctionsLogistics & TransportationLogistics & TransportationLogistics & Transportation
ServicesCloud Planning, Design & Implementation ServicesSystem IntegrationData Science Services

Technology Stack
Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS)NoneNoneNoneNoneNoneNone
Platform as a Service (PaaS)MinorModerateMinorMinorStrongModerate
Application Infrastructure & MiddlewareMinorMinorMinorModerateModerateMinor
Analytics & ModelingMinorMinorMinorMinorModerateModerate
Functional ApplicationsNoneNoneNoneNoneNoneMinor
Cybersecurity & PrivacyNoneNoneNoneNoneNoneNone
Networks & ConnectivityNoneNoneNoneNoneNoneNone
Processors & Edge IntelligenceNoneNoneNoneNoneNoneNone
Automation & ControlNoneNoneNoneNoneNoneModerate

Similar Suppliers
Similar Suppliers

PartnersNokiaAmazon Web ServicesMicrosoft AzureBosch Connected Devices and Solutions GmbHGoogleTeltonikaWAGO

Supplier SloganBig data age business intelligenceIndustrial IoT Data Platform
HQ LocationUnited StatesUnited StatesChinaChinaUnited StatesIndia
Year Founded201520112003201520072019
Company TypePrivatePrivatePrivatePrivatePrivatePrivate
Stock Ticker
Revenue< $10m< $10m$10-100m< $10m$10-100m< $10m
Employees11 - 5011 - 50201 - 1,00051 - 20051 - 200< 10
Website Open website Open website Open website Open website Open website Open website
Company Description
Based in San Francisco, CA, Element Analytics creates industrial analytics software that empowers organizations to achieve new levels of operational performance. The Element Platform helps industrial organizations easily and rapidly use industrial time-series data for actionable insight. The platform readies time-series data, enriches it with analytically relevant context, and instills Trust. It also blends time-series and other operational data with unprecedented high fidelity. With data ready, the platform enables machine-learning modeling to surface reliability, productivity, and sustainability insights for operations.
GroveStreams is cloud-based Data Analytics Platform for the Internet of Things that provides real-time decision making capabilities to users and devices. It has been built with Big-Data tools to manage large amounts of devices and Data Streams with very high frequency sample rates. The GroveStreams Data Analytics Platform was designed to allow IoT entrepreneurs and developers to start with small test projects and scale to capture millions of streams of data coming in from sensors, apps, and other fixed and mobile devices across the globe. Our patented Data Analytics platform gives you immediate access to your stream data, roll-up data, and up to 140 statistics per stream. It is designed as a horizontal platform to be used across all industries.
One stop data management and analysis platform using big data with visual analysis on their own servers and full range of data access

Sensors Data is a data analysis service company provides customers with the data to understand their users. With deep user behaviour analysis platform, their professional consulting services and industry solutions helps customers realize their potential. Based on the technical and frontiers of large data and user behaviour analysis that covers more than 10 industries, such as Internet, finance, retail sales, high-tech, manufacturing and so on, and can support many functional departments of enterprises. The key technologies that the company has includes mass data collection, storage, cleaning, analysis and mining, visualization, intelligent application, security and privacy protection.

SpaceTime Insight develops and delivers innovative advanced analytics and IIoT applications for asset-intensive industries. With our software, customers reduce cost and risk, increase capital efficiency, pinpoint theft, spoilage, and shrinkage, lower the frequency and duration of service outages, optimize field crews and operations, ensure regulatory compliance, and more. They understand the entire breadth of their operations in motion, in context, and in real time, and generate greater returns at lower risk, lower cost, and greater speed.

SpaceTime Insight’s software powers mission-critical systems for some of the largest companies around the world in diverse industries including utilities, shipping, manufacturing, and energy.

Industrial data platform

The ConnectedThinks Industrial data platform is capable of connecting to multiple industrial data sources, correlating and transforming the data into useful insights, and helping improve the efficiency of your industrial business.

Edge Connectors

The edge-connectors suite is a middleware deployable on ARM or X86-based Industrial edge IoT gateways. It enables quick connection and rapid onboarding of various assets such as machinery, sensors, asset trackers, Bluetooth beacons, and IP Video streams as well as OT assets such as PLC, SCADA, CNC, and HMI – to name a few. It offers secure device management and remote connection.

Data Platform

The ConnectedThinks data platform is a modern technology stack, built-to-scale to ingest and process high-speed, high-density, and real-time industrial data. Its functionality could be split into 3 primary parts – the data-ingest, the data-transform-&-store, and the data-query part.

The data-ingest part consists of a high-performant MQTT broker and a highly-scalable, multi-cluster Kafka messaging queue which together can ingest and process data at a very high speed.

The data-transform-&-storage part is built on top of Kafka KSQLdb and Apache Spark with real-time data transformation and the ability to integrate real-time machine-learning predictions for Anomaly Detection and other Predictive Maintenance tasks. The platform offers out-of-the-box connectors to store data on almost any database, data warehouse, or even into S3-storage compatible Data Lakes with efficient storage formats like PARQUET and AVRO.

The data-query part consists of multiple custom-built connectors to various SQL and pseudo-SQL databases and storages along with highly-scalable PRESTO (a.k.a prestodb)

Together it forms a complete Industry 4.0 offering for data intelligence and integration. The entire offering is built with Microservices and dockerized to make it suitable for deployment on-prem, private-cloud, or Public Cloud like AWS, Azure, or Google.

Data visualization & BI

ConnectedThinks platform offers a custom-built visualization engine, built from the ground up to serve the specific requirements of industrial operations which demand a combination of real-time diagnostic monitoring for high-speed data, a SCADA-like monitoring system with visual aids and historical data analytics with data ranging from a few weeks to couple years. It is built on top of front-end REACT-js libraries along with Authentication and fine-grain access Authorization to deliver a secure web portal that is accessible from any corner of the world. The platform is also pre-integrated with Apache Superset and offers embedded dashboards as well as quick drag-and-drop data exploration. The prestodb query engine ODBC connectors enable you to import and explore data from your existing BI solutions such as Tableau, Looker, PowerBI, etc,

IoT Solutions
Element empowers industrial organizations to easily use data and rapidly extract valuable insights. Our solutions help industrial businesses achieve new levels of operational performance. Upstream Oil & Gas Gain an enterprise-wide view of all production units and the ability to drill down into each well’s time-series data. Generate unlimited process-oriented asset views to support the various functions and services that consume the data. With this data, use predictive analytics to prevent failures in equipment such as submersible pumps for increased asset reliability. Chemicals & Refining Model complex cooling, separation, and heating systems. Benchmark and compare rotating equipment, fixed equipment, or the overall process units. Identify, then label complex fault events and analyze strongly correlated factors that precede the event. Gain predictive insight into parts breakdown to prevent issues such as pump seal leaks. Manufacturing Aggregate numerous datasets from diverse providers, rapidly ready data for advanced analytics, and predict the failure of equipment such as motors and mixers. Shift from time-based to performance-based maintenance for greater cost and operational efficiency. Power & Utilities Aggregate and blend previously siloed data, perform predictive analytics on top of that to improve customer service time, prevent equipment failures, and optimize contracts with improved risk management. Metals & Mining Benchmark and compare the performance of equipment (e.g., extractors, crushers, trucks) and processes across all sites to uncover and deploy best practices for enterprise-wide process optimization. Pulp & Paper Aggregate and standardize data from complex, highly integrated processes that were previously challenging to model (e.g., end-to-end tissue machine operations). Gain visibility into process dependencies that you may not be aware of. Diagnose issues such as transfer breaks to ultimately increase throughput of paper machines.
cloud management

•Data Modeling and Analysis Service - Gives company greater knowledge of their users by assessing behavior, marketing effectiveness, and optimizes product experience.

•Data Collection Service - Thoroughly collects all front-end , back- end, and historical to establish a complete data warehouse for companies.

•Analytics PaaS Platform - Extension of analytical capabilities, this open platform interfaces real-time access to data and the seamless integration of 3rd party software.

Nokia Software IoT was formed through the acquisition of SpaceTime Insight in April, 2018 and Nokia’s existing IoT Applications group. SpaceTime develops and delivers innovative advanced analytics applications and Industrial Internet of Things technologies for asset-intensive industries.

The applications help them reduce cost and risk, increase capital efficiency, pinpoint theft, spoilage, and shrinkage, lower the frequency and duration of service outages, personalize customer service, optimize field crews and operations, ensure regulatory compliance, and more.

The Machine Learning algorithms detect anomalies, predict the probability of asset failure, continuously optimize operations, and help companies deliver the best possible business results even when unforeseeable disruptions arise.

Industrial data solution

ConnectedThinks offers pre-built solutions to specific industries. All these solutions are built on-top of the Industrial data-platform and can be deployed and commisioned in matter of couple weeks. Reach out to us to discuss your specific requirements.

Manufacturing data analytics

Factories generate large amounts of data. A single PLC node in the factory could provide significant information about the health of the equipment and system it is driving. This information could significantly reduce the maintenance cost or avoid losses.

ConnectedThinks Industrial data platform enables connecting data from every PLC, sensor, equipment, MES, ERP system, and even data from human staff and bringing this to a managed data platform in real-time. The platform enables configuring real-time correlation, transformation, trend analysis, and anomaly analysis on this data to transform it into insights that answer key business questions and alert in time to reduce cost and better quality.

You could connect CNCs from Controller systems such as Siemens Sinumerik 840D SL and monitor critical signals in real time. The real-time visualizations engine is capable of displaying high-frequency data captured from these CNCs.

Vision and Sound Machine Learning

Vision and Sound are 2 important systems for inspection in industrial environments. ConnectedThinks offers ML-based solutions built with data from relatively cheaper IP surveillance cameras and microphones. These help to become the Eyes and Ears for your industrial setup.

AMR, AGV and warehouse solutions

With new robotics technology opening doors for companies of all sizes, autonomous mobile robots (AMRs) and automation are becoming more popular in the manufacturing industry. Changing economic conditions, shortage in the supply of manual labor, and multiple such factors have led manufacturers to adopt an aggressive strategy to automate their workflows. The ConnectedThinks Edge Middleware is deployed on an Edge Compute Device and enables multiple edge functionalities such as Machine Learning predictions, device connectivity drivers, industrial interface protocols, network connectivity, etc. It is capable of running on Intel or ARM-based edge processors running Linux. It is also capable of running Edge analytics for data that is collected and localized to the edge. More often than not, AMRs are deployed on factory floors where they need to collaborate with other equipment in order to complete a job. For example, an AMR which needs to transfer goods across multiple floors needs to collaborate with the automated-lift system. Or the AMR needs to collaborate with the conveyor system for the loading and unloading of goods. Or in other cases, a bar-code scanner attached to the AMR would determine the destination. In all such cases, additional software logic and/or hardware Edge Gateways would be needed to connect to various machinery and equipment and help the AMR collaborate.

Key Customers
China unicom, renrenche.com, ICBC

China UnionPay, Jumei.com, GF Securities, Kingsoft, Baidu Video

American Water, Arizona Public Service, BC Hydro, The California Independent System Operator, FedEx, Singapore Power

Parent Company

IoT Snapshot
TechnologiesAnalytics & ModelingApplication Infrastructure & MiddlewarePlatform as a Service (PaaS)Analytics & ModelingApplication Infrastructure & MiddlewarePlatform as a Service (PaaS)Analytics & ModelingApplication Infrastructure & MiddlewarePlatform as a Service (PaaS)Analytics & ModelingApplication Infrastructure & MiddlewarePlatform as a Service (PaaS)Analytics & ModelingApplication Infrastructure & MiddlewarePlatform as a Service (PaaS)Analytics & ModelingApplication Infrastructure & MiddlewarePlatform as a Service (PaaS)Automation & ControlFunctional ApplicationsRobots
IndustriesAgricultureHealthcare & HospitalsSecurity & Public SafetyUtilitiesRetailFinance & InsuranceRetailElectrical GridsTransportation
Use CasesBuilding Energy ManagementAsset Health Management (AHM)Edge Computing & Edge IntelligenceImmersive AnalyticsRemote Asset ManagementVirtual Reality
FunctionsLogistics & TransportationLogistics & TransportationLogistics & Transportation
ServicesCloud Planning, Design & Implementation ServicesSystem IntegrationData Science Services

Technology Stack
Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS)NoneNoneNoneNoneNoneNone
Platform as a Service (PaaS)MinorModerateMinorMinorStrongModerate
Application Infrastructure & MiddlewareMinorMinorMinorModerateModerateMinor
Analytics & ModelingMinorMinorMinorMinorModerateModerate
Functional ApplicationsNoneNoneNoneNoneNoneMinor
Cybersecurity & PrivacyNoneNoneNoneNoneNoneNone
Networks & ConnectivityNoneNoneNoneNoneNoneNone
Processors & Edge IntelligenceNoneNoneNoneNoneNoneNone
Automation & ControlNoneNoneNoneNoneNoneModerate

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PartnersNokiaAmazon Web ServicesMicrosoft AzureBosch Connected Devices and Solutions GmbHGoogleTeltonikaWAGO
test test